Title | Episodes | Format | Complete | Sub/Dub |
Gakuen Senki Muryou | 2 | .rm | no | raw |
Galaxy Angel | 1-8 | .avi | no | sub |
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna | 1-2 | .rm | yes | sub |
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna Returns OVA | 1-3 | .rm | yes | dub |
Gall Force OVA | ? | .avi | no | ? |
Gall Force: Eternal Story | movie | .avi | yes | ? |
Gaogaigar | 1-8 | .avi (1-8) and .rm (1-2) | no | ? |
Gasaraki | 1-19 | .avi | no | sub |
Gate Keepers | 1-24 | .avi | yes | sub |
Generator Gawl | 1-3,5-9 | .mpg (1-3,7) and .avi (1-3,5-6,8,9) | no | sub, 1-3 .mpg French sub |
Geneshaft | 1-3 | .avi | no | sub |
Gensou Maden Saiyuki | 1-26 | .avi | no | 1-6 sub, 6-26 raw |
Geobreeders OVA | 1-3 | .asf | yes | sub |
Gestalt OVA | 1-2 | .avi | yes | ? |
Ghost in the Shell | movie | .avi and .asf and .rm | yes | .asf dub, .avi sub |
Ghost Sweeper Mikami | 5-15 | .rm | no | ? |
Glass Mask | 1-23 | .avi | yes | ? |
Goku: Midnight Eye OVA | 1-2 | .rm | yes | dub |
Gokudo-kun Manyuki | 1-3 | .avi (1) and .rm (2-3) | no | ? |
Golden Boy | 1-6 | .avi and .rm | yes | 1-6 Dub, 3 Sub & Avi Sub |
Golgo 13: Queen Bee | movie | .avi | yes | dub |
Grappler Baki: The Ultimate Fighter OVA | 1 | .rm | yes | dub |
Grave of the Fireflies | movie | .avi and .rm | yes | .rm sub, .avi ? |
Gravitation | 1-13 | .avi (1-10) and .rm (5,7-13) | no | sub, 9-13 raw |
Gravitiation OVA | 1-2 | .avi | no | sub |
Green Legend Ran | 1-3 | .asf | yes | sub |
Groove Adventure Rave | 1-3 | .avi | no | ? |
GTO | 1-2,4-8,10,12,14-16,19-21,23,27-28 | .rm (1-2,4-8,10,12,14-16,19-21,23,27-28) and .avi (1) | no | .avi sub, .rm raw |
GTO Drama | 1-12 | .avi | ? | ? |
GTO Drama the Movie | movie | .avi | yes | sub |
GTO Movie | movie | .avi | yes | sub |
GTO Special 1 | special | .avi | ? | ? |
Gunbuster | 1-6 | .avi | no | ? |
Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket | 16 | .rm (1-6) and .asf (6) | yes | sub |
Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory | 1-13 | .rm | yes | sub |
Gundam Wing | 1-49 | .rm (1-8,48) and .asf (9-47,49) and .avi (1-49) | yes | .rm and .asf sub, avi dub |
Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz | 1-3 and movie version | .asf (1-3) and .avi (1-3) and .mpeg (1-3), .avi (movie version) | yes | sub |
Gundam: Char's Counterattack | 1-3 | .asf | yes | sub |
Gundam: The 08th MS Team | 1-12 | .asf (1-11) and .avi (12) | yes | sub |
Gundam: The 08th MS Team Movie | movie | .avi and .mpg | yes | ? |
Gunsmith Cats OVA | 1-3 | .rm | yes | .rm 1-2 sub, 3 .rm dub, .mpg ? |