Title Episodes Format Complete Sub/Dub
UFO Robot Grendizer movie .rm yes ?
Understanding Chaos short film .avi yes? ?
Urusei Yatsura 1-27 .asf (1-7,15,20,25) and .avi (8-14,16-19,21-24,26-27) no sub
Vampire Hunter D movie .asf yes sub
Vampire Princess Miyu OVA 1-4 .rm yes sub
Vampire Princess Miyu TV 1-26 .asf yes sub
Vandread 1-13 .avi yes sub
Vandread 2nd Stage 1-5 .avi no sub, 5 raw
Variable Geo OVA 1-2 .avi no ?
Venus Wars movie .avi yes dub
Video Girl Aï 1-6

.avi (1-6) and .rm (1-6)

yes sub
Villgust 1-2 .rm yes sub
Violinist of Hamelin 1-25 .avi no sub
Violinist of Hamelin movie movie .avi yes sub
Virtua Fighter 2 .rm no Spanish dub
Virus Buster Serge 1-9,11-12 .avi no sub
Vision of Escaflowne 1-26 .rm and .avi yes sub
Vision of Escaflowne: A Girl in Gaea movie .avi yes sub
Voogie's Angel 1-3 .avi no sub
Wedding Peach 1-6 .rm yes ?
Wedding Peach DX OVA 1-4 .rm yes ?
Weiß Kreuz 1-24 .asf (1-24) and .rm (1-13) yes sub
Weiß Kreuz OVA 1-2 .rm yes sub
What's Michael 1 .rm no sub
Whisper of the Heart movie .avi and .asf yes .avi sub, .asf ?
Wicked City movie .asf (1/2) and .rm (2/2) yes dub
Wild Arms 1-7 .avi no sub
Wild Cardz OVA 1 .avi no ?
Wind of Amnesia movie .mpg yes dub
Wings of Honneamise movie .avi sub complete (archives missing dub & sub) yes sub and dub
Wrath of the Ninja movie .avi yes raw
X-1999 movie .avi and .rm yes sub
X OVA 1 .avi yes sub
X TV 1-4 .avi no sub
Yami no Matsuei 1-13 .avi (1-7) and .rm (1-4,7-13) no sub, 6-7 raw, 7-9 .rm sub
Yawara! A Fashionable Judo Girl Special special .avi yes sub
Yawara: A Fashionable Judo Girl 1-10,12-18,28-35 .asf (1-4,13-18,28-30) and .avi (5-10,12,31-35) no sub
Yokohama Shopping Log OVA 1-2 .avi yes sub
You're Under Arrest Movie movie .asf yes sub
You're Under Arrest OVA 1-4 .rm (1) and .asf (2-4) yes ?
You're Under Arrest Season 1 5-13 .asf no sub
You're Under Arrest Season 2 1-4 .avi no sub
Ys II 1-4 .asf yes sub
Yu Yu Haksuho The Movie movie .asf yes ?
Yu Yu Hakusho 1-42,50-59,61 .rm (1-11,55-58) and .asf (3,6-32,51-54) and .avi (33-42,50,59,61) and .mpg (2) no sub
Yu Yu Hakusho OVA 1-2 .avi yes French
Yume de Aetara 1-16 .avi yes sub
Zenki 1-4,6 .avi no sub
Zetsuai 1989 Desperate Love (corrupt) 1 .avi yes sub
Zone of the Enders 1 .avi no raw
Zone Of The Enders OVA 1 .avi yes sub


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