.asf & .avi Size Checker - Checks to see if .asf/.avi/DivX files are complete.

DivFix1.05 - Fixes errors in DivX movie files. To fix errors, first strip the index, and then rebuild it. If DivFix detects a corrupted frame, it will cut off the movie at that frame.

DivX 3.11 Alpha Codec - The DivX codec to play DivX files

DivX 4.0 Codec - Newest DivX codec, also works with 3.11 Alpha DivX files.

Mpeg4x Codec - A special mpeg4 codec to play some files which may give errors normally.

RMFix - Good for fixing pauses in .rm files provided they aren't too butchered.

RMFixer Win98 Edition Alpha 0.001 - GUI for the above (I think).

SmR Movie patch - required to watch SmR/nAVi files.


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